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What Our Governors Do

What is a school governing body?

Our governing body is made up of volunteers from the local community and the wider world of business, offering a diverse range of skills and views, bringing a breadth of experience to the team.  We are required to have a strong focus on three core strategic functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;

  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and

  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

As well as the main governing body, a good deal of our work is delegated to one of two committees;

  • Curriculum and Standards

  • Resources

Types of Governors

Parent Governors are elected by the school parents to provide a parental perspective. Parent governors are entitled to serve out their term of office even if their child has left the school.

Local Authority Governors are nominated by the County Council primarily with a view to their commitment to high quality education and their ability to bring an independent perspective.

Staff Governors include the Headteacher plus one other member of staff elected by and from amongst the teaching and non-teaching staff at the school.

Co-opted Governors are appointed by the governing body based on the skills and experience that they have.

Associate Governors are appointed by the governing body. They are not part of the governing body but are allowed to attend meetings and sit on committees and can be given voting rights. An associate governor is appointed to bring expertise and experience in a specific area to the governing body.

What does a governor do?

As a governor we are expected to contribute to the work of the governing body in ensuring high standards of achievement for all children in the school.  We are expected to possess, or be willing to train, to have skills and experiences that will help the governing body work effectively.  In practical terms, we meet regularly during the term with additional committee meetings.  There are usually 6 full governing body meetings a year and we are also be expected to be on at least the Curriculum and Standards or Resources committee, with a further 6 meetings.

There could also be planned visits to the school each term and time for training.  It is estimated that our time commitment for all of this can be over 48 hours per year. Reading minutes and the paperwork in preparation for meetings will easily add another 24 hours each year.  Being a school governor can be quite a commitment but we want to ensure that our children receive the very best experiences and opportunities to enable them to achieve their goals and aspirations.

Who are the North Baddesley Infant School governors?

Chair of the Governors: Nicole Perry

Co-opted Governors: Elisa Briggs, Russell Duff, Rebecca Mahoney, Nicole Perry, Julia Squires, Bhupinder Siran, Kayleigh Leonard

Headteacher: Carla Lashmar

Local Authority Governors: Mike Hiscock

Parent Governors: Beverley Harnett, Reuben Pengelly

Staff Governor: Beth Waters

The Committees

The overall purpose of the Curriculum and Standards Committee is to monitor the school’s performance and implementation of policies in the areas of:

• curriculum provision
• teaching and learning
• achievement and standards
• inclusion (SEN, Gifted and Talented, Equality, Children in Care)
• pupil behaviour and welfare issues (including Child Protection)

The Curriculum and Standards Committee reports to the full governing body and keeps it in touch with Curriculum and Standards Committee work in monitoring the progress of the School Strategic Plan. This Committee is chaired by Joanna Tutton.

The overall purpose of the Resources Committee is to monitor the school’s performance and implementation of policies in the areas of:

• finance
• premises
• personnel
• health and safety

The Resources Committee reports to the full governing body and provides updates and, where required, seeks approval of budget expenditure and financial planning. This Committee is chaired by David Jones.